Andrew J.jfif

andrew johnson

Andrew brings 30 years experience at senior level at the national and international level. He was the UN Representative and Head of New York Office for Save the Children (USA);  Director of Public Policy and Advocacy on Children in Crisis and Emergency (Washington DC) , Lead on Save the Children’s global strategic plan on child protection (Sweden), Head of Programs Effectiveness, Policy and Advocacy for Plan International (UK); Deputy Secretary General and  Secretary General for ChildFund Alliance (USA). Here in Australia he held the position of CEO in the Australian Republican Movement, Australia Council of Social Service, and the Reichstein Foundation as well as the inaugural NSW Advocate for Children and Young People.

In developing global strategic plans and their accompanying business plans for Save the Children, ChildFund Alliance and Plan International, through a process of consultation and inclusion, he orchestrated plans agreed upon and then implemented. These plans and approaches were based on strategic analysis of the sector, competitive and gaps analysis, political scanning, and targeting of funding environments as well as drawing upon participatory mythologies and human rights approaches.

As a trainer and mentor Andrew has worked across the globe and conducted training in advocacy, campaigns, human rights approaches and chid rights and child safety. He was adjunct Professor at New York University developing and teaching courses on child rights, Human Rights, and on the history and development of NGOs. The course he developed and trained on children rights was accredited by in Australia by NSW NESA.


katey grusovin

Katey has had more than twenty years experience in media, communications and advocacy for the UN, Government and Not for Profit organisations in Australia and overseas.  

She has worked for United Nations Agencies, National and State based Human Rights organisations in Australia . Her work with UNICEF, Human Rights Comission and NSW Advocate for Children and Young People saw Katey lead in the launch of numerous initiatives, reports and special events - including the development and implementation of campaigning at the state and national level.

At the global level she worked on UNICEF’s global initiative to End Violence Against Children in New York. This included framing the initiative, coordinating/managing the production of all campaign collateral including a PSA with Liam Neeson, devising the digital and media strategy, steering the project through UNICEF’s complex internal processes and machinery, leveraging stakeholder support and rolling the campaign out internationally.

Prior to this, she spent 12 years with UNICEF internationally as a media and communication specialist throughout Asia, the Middle East, Europe and the US - working on everything from long term development to emergencies and on numerous specific special assignments within the organisation.

She also brings enormous experience having had many years of experience as a producer of factual programming and in documentary filmmaking.