
human and child rights approaches

while understanding a rights based approach assists an organisation or department get better at serving it clients and citizens, assists in program developments and should underpin all policy and advocacy, we now know that it is vital to keeping our children and young people safe.

when the country committed to ensuring the findings of the Royal Commission into childhood sexual abuse were actioned, one of their key recommendation remains under-implemented. Recommendation 6.4 – all institutions should uphold the rights of the child.

the training assists organisations in understanding of the history of the human rights and child rights movements, the major rights embedded in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and other key Conventions, and the ways in which these rights have been incorporated into policy and law and programming.

attendees will develop an understanding of how these rights translate into everyday practices. How to use rights based approaches to improve outcomes for the organisation, clarify purpose, increase engagement in the organisation as well as promote a safe and respectful environment. The training draws upon what children and young people and other populations of socially excluded populations, from around the world, say what they need from organisations to assist them to thrive.

systemic advocacy campaigning

fundamental to achieving outcomes for an organisation is to understand what policies need to change to improve the lives of the people the organisation serves. Having developed the training in US and adapted it here in Australia both for the Federal and State level, the training assist the organisation to think through potential changes to their systems and processes to first determine what they should be advocating on.

the training walks the group through key steps in the advocacy campaigning process and uses case studies for the group to examine.  Steps include: defining the issue, developing goals and setting objectives, how to identify and influence targets of change, how to build support and develop the message, selection of the channels of communications, how to budget and fundraise for campaigns, how to develop an action plan which include monitoring and reporting.

for specific organisations the training uses pre-determined areas, provided by the organisation,  that the organisation could run an advocacy campaign on. Part of the training is then devoted to assist the organisation narrow down the areas of change and potential campaign.

participatory approaches

learn about how to best engage with the people that you serve. The training assists organisations in how to undertake consultations directly, particularly with those who are socially excluded. How to embed participatory approaches within board structures, program development, policy and advocacy and organisational decision making more generally.

This training has been developed to help government and non-government organisations meaningfully and effectively involve children and young people and/or socially excluded people in their decision making. It highlights the importance of seeing clients as partners with the organisations in the decision making process. Clients, or citizens as we call them, can participate in organisational decision making in many ways, including one-off consultations, sitting on boards and committees, recruiting staff, councils and advisory groups and participating in and undertaking research. The training walks people through the different options and processes and assists the organisation to determine when and where to involve the people that they serve, and importantly maximise their input and to minimise hard to them.

ceo coaching

working in one of one sessions with new and emerging CEOS, develop tailored sessions in consultation with the CEO and Board. Session cover but not limited to:

  • working with Boards

  • strategic planning

  • leadership

  • policy and advocacy

  • dealing with conflict

  • budgeting and operations